Vertigo (dizziness) / Balance

If a person is "dizzy", he/she feels insecure by spinning around or an imbalance in the surroundings.

The description of the type of vertigo is already very important for the doctor, for finding the cause and conclusions for the appropriate treatment.

Next to the inner ear is the vestibular organ. The otolaryngologist therefore checks whether a disease of the ear and / or the vestibular organ is present. Since the "dizziness" or problems with balance can have other causes as well, the otolaryngologist possibly consults with other specialists, as necessary (for example: neurologist, cardiologist, internist).

The feeling of vertigo/dizziness gives people a lack of orientation in space. Everything seems to be turning, which no longer guarantees, "stability", general malaise accompanies this feeling.

  • Our focus is based on three pillars:
  • the vestibular organ in the ear
  • the visual system

the proprioceptive system (flow of information by tactile sense, joints and muscle movements to the brain)

Once one of these systems has a dysfunction or the regulatory capacity of the brain is impaired, dizziness can become noticeable.

An accurate diagnosis can lead to an effective, detailed treatment.

First, the doctor and the patient establish an accurate medical history. Then a medical examination by the ENT physician follows. There are various diagnostic procedures, such as the measurement of eye movement, the Dix-Hallpike test (dizziness with positional vertigo), the head impulse test (helps distinguish between neurological induced or inner ear induced dizziness).

There are a number of medical examination methods, which assess the coordination ability or measure certain parts of the vestibular system by the help of the latest technology test. Furthermore a computer axial tomography (CAT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can provide information about the origin of the dizziness in the patient's body.

Based on the determined cause a personalized therapy regimen is prepared, which can be drug-based or a targeted dizziness training or a combination of both.


Our goals are based on the needs of patients in accordance with the application of modern medical research results in order to meet the expectation for an optimal treatment outcome.              

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General examination

During the general examination, the doctor focuses on the following areas:
- Ear and hearing / balance
- Nose and paranasal sinuses
- Mouth and throat
- Laryngeal, neck

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Methods of Therapy

In the treatment of chronic tinnitus (lasting longer than 3 months) psychotherapeutic methods (ex., tinnitus-retraining-therapy) and acoustic treatments are available...  

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Tel:  +41 41 661 25 50
Fax: +41 41 661 25 91


Marktstrasse 7a
6060 Sarnen